5 foot rule?

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people constantly say there is a code stating that you must have the main disc. within 5' of the service entrance conductors entering the building.I have searched the nec and lipa red book for such a code with no luck.Is it alocal or town code or just a wives tale?
This may be a local rule based on 230.70(A)(1),
(1) Readily Accessible Location The service disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily accessible location either outside of a building or structure or inside nearest the point of entrance of the service conductors.
most areas have their own standard on this issue since there is no absolute definition to "nearest the point of entrance of the service conductors"

Perhaps someday clarification? IMHO, it has to be a case by case basis. We use a 'rule of thumb'; hard to put in words...enter structure, straight down into panel. Deviate right or left and you could have a situation.

"Nearest the point of entrance" throws the decision into the AHJ's hands. Most EC's that work the area know the interpertation.

We have used the 5' unwritten rule around sw Florida since I started in 1970. It comes from piping under the slab and coming up in the garage. It is usually 5' to the main breaker.
The inspectors that are in areas I work go by the rule of thumb of twice the length of you panel IE: panel 38 inches 76 inches from meter to panel. However they say they are told that this would be a max. length from meter into panel inside panel into main. But most of the time they know that it some times is not doable. I don't try to push my luck with it and they don't get out the tape.
We had to write an interpretation to this and ours says that "nearest the point" is where they enter the building.

Here of course we see only all in ones and it's the very rare occasion that we have a meter seperate from the disconnect.
The Washington State Administrative Code (WAC) gives a limit of 15 feet. But there is no such limit in the NEC itself.
In my state, as far as dwellings go, the majority of installations that are approved use a combination meter / main enclosure, that has the meter socket section and a disconnect/overcurrent device section in the same can. But then again, we don't have to dig any snow out of the way if we need to get to the main breaker real quick.
Chicago's code is within 5 foot of the point of entry.
They only allow mains, within the main walls of the building also.
Don't ask, I really don't know why!
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