50 amp power inlet box

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Senior Member
A customer has a 50amp power inlet box that I installed for his genny. It is 3 prong twist lock with a center pin and a copper bond on the side that makes to a copper strip on the twist lock when you plug it in. The copper piece on the inlet was riveted to the plastic. The rivet popped out and this strip (if you look at a picture it is somewhat like the green ground clips that would go on a metal box) now impedes plugging in the cord. I am wondering if I even need it, seeing he has an old generator and the other end of his cord is a 3 prong straight blade. I tried putting a screw in it but the head also prevented the plug going in. Is that strip supposed to be the ground or is the center pin the ground.
I will change it. A few weeks ago I had to get the cord plugged in when he lost power during some wind. The ground strip is intact, the rivet that broke was just holding the bottom in to the plastic, so maybe a screw would do the same thing.
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