50 amps, do I hear less?

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I cannot tell you why, but the 20 amp tap off a 50 amp circuit is pretty clear. 40 or 30 amp circuits are out as far as doing the tap thing. I was discussing this on a IAEI forum last week and that was the ruling.
The NEC handbook has a commentary that also says tapping to a "50 amp branch circuit" is permitted.

But the photo below the text says "Max. 50 A branch circuit".
It says 50 amp branch circuit no doubt, so I have no doubt that would be what they would say at the IAEA, but then I saw the text steve66 mentioned in the illustration and it made me wonder. I know the handbook commentary is not code but 50 amp max makes more sense to me.

Now I wonder, was the exception written as is on purpose or was it an oversight.
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