I have done the math and I can put three 500's and a 2/0 in a 3" pipe. I would like a little advice from those who have done this alot, would I be better off going up one pipe size or not? My longest run is say 30' with 3-90's. Thank you .
Sometimes a larger conduit will allow the conductors to cross which can cause a jam. A smaller conduit will sometimes prevent conductors from crossing. Of course, if the conduit is so large that a cross doesn't cause a jam that is the easiest pull. There is a math formula for figuring out the likelyhood of jamming but I can't remember it.
See FPN #2 to Table 1 in Chapter 9.... There is a math formula for figuring out the likelyhood of jamming but I can't remember it.
Charlie,Was your math just for conduit fill, or did you also do a cable pulling tension calculation?