The Section 501.15 Exception never applied and I have no idea where your reference to 10 feet comes from.
You described the luminaire as in an unclassified location and origination of the TC-ER cable in a Class I, Division 2 location. Therefor you must have a boundary somewhere.
The luminaire was never required to be explosionproof, so Section 501.15(E)(1) doesn't apply.
The UL White Book states Type TC (Category Code QPOR) is gas/vapor tight. It applies to all forms of Type TC.
This means its sealing requirements are in Section 501.15(E)(3). You may have to go back and parse 501.15(E)(1) carefully, but, unless the cable end in the Division 2 location is attached to process equipment that could exert 1500 Pascals on the cable end, it doesn't have to be sealed. Section 501.15(E)(3) was clearer about this before the 2014 NEC and has been re-clarified in 2017.
In any case, if a seal were required, it would be at the Division 2 termination and not at the boundary or luminaire in the unclassified location.