514.11 Disconnects for dispensing stations need to allow for rapid response to a hose breakage or other event that creates a fuel-related fire or explosion hazard:
(A) Each circuit leading to or through a dispenser (including equipment for remote pumping systems) must have a clearly identified and readily accessible switch, located remote from the dispenser device, to disconnect simultaneously all conductors of the circuit including the grounded conductor if any. Single-pole breakers with handle ties shall not be permitted.
If there is a 120V, fractional pump (1/4HP) at fuel dispenser, what's type of remote disconnect we can use to disconnect both hot and neutral wires to the pump?
(A) Each circuit leading to or through a dispenser (including equipment for remote pumping systems) must have a clearly identified and readily accessible switch, located remote from the dispenser device, to disconnect simultaneously all conductors of the circuit including the grounded conductor if any. Single-pole breakers with handle ties shall not be permitted.
If there is a 120V, fractional pump (1/4HP) at fuel dispenser, what's type of remote disconnect we can use to disconnect both hot and neutral wires to the pump?