Article 517.17 states that where ground fault protection is required at the service disconnecting means (480V systems 1000A or more) one additional level of ground fault protection shall be provided in the next level of feeder disconnecting means down stream towards the load.
Am I correct in the following statements?
#1: All down stream feeder breakers must have the GFP protection. They do not have to be 1000A or more.
#2: This requirement applies to a medical office building that contains radiology areas and basic patient care areas. In other words it is not a ?Hospital? governed by OSHPOD regulations but it does contain examining rooms and light out patient procedures are done.
Am I correct in the following statements?
#1: All down stream feeder breakers must have the GFP protection. They do not have to be 1000A or more.
#2: This requirement applies to a medical office building that contains radiology areas and basic patient care areas. In other words it is not a ?Hospital? governed by OSHPOD regulations but it does contain examining rooms and light out patient procedures are done.