517.20 wet procedure locations

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
Wet procedure locations following questions:

1. Would one have to be satisfied with NEC 2014 both Sections 517.20(A) and 517.20(B) or just one of 517.20(A) or 517.20(B)?

2. NEC 2014 Section 517.20(A) would it be satisfied thru class A GFCI receptacles in the wet procedure room?

Thanks for your input

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You have to comply with A(1) or A(2).

A(1) is usually a listed isolated power system.

A(2) could be a GFCI receptacle.

Before GFCI can be used, one may have to verify that loss of power can be tolerated. That can require a hazard analysis performed by a team including the administration staff, the medical staff, and the engineer. So you may be able to get by with GFCI in a minor procedure room, but if its an OR, isolated power is probably required.
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