517.31(D) vs 700.4 & 701.4

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m sleem

Top-notch Сasual Dating - Real-life Females
Referring to generator sizing, i think hospitals have the toughest design requirements compared to other applications, but in 517.31(D) the requirements of generator sizing is easier than the same in 700.4 & 701.4 i.e. the generator in hospitals is sized to demand load but in other buildings the generator is sized to connected load. Please correct me if i am wrong.

Thanks in advance
It is my understanding that 517.31 (D) addresses the reality that hospital emergency systems are usually very large and very diverse. If a designer were to follow only 700.4 and/or 701.4 when sizing equipment for a large hospital, he/she would be forced to specify equipment that is unreasonably large and expensive. I suppose the risk inherent in this approach on a large hospital is very low.
I don't think they are mistaken since they intentionally indicate 400.4 & 401.4 in section 517.31(D), but what's the logic behind?
It is my understanding that 517.31 (D) addresses the reality that hospital emergency systems are usually very large and very diverse. If a designer were to follow only 700.4 and/or 701.4 when sizing equipment for a large hospital, he/she would be forced to specify equipment that is unreasonably large and expensive. I suppose the risk inherent in this approach on a large hospital is very low.

May be!
NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities Code, and not the NEC has purview over these requirements. You need to look to NFPA 99 for additional guidance.
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