590.4(J) - applicability to generator connection cords

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I have a difference of opinion on an interpretation I am looking to settle. 590.4(J) states, among other things, that cable assemblies and flexible cords and cables installed as branch circuits or feeders shall not be installed on the floor or on the ground. Then it states that extension cords are not required to comply with 590.4(J).

What has been happening here is that the AHJ has required that generator cables be installed on top of a plywood "tray" when they are ran on the ground or floor to meet the requirements of 590.4(J). It has been suggested that a Type W 4/0 cable with PowerLock connectors at both ends is an "extension cord" and exempt from 590.4(J). The counter to this is two-fold; that the cords are feeders and generator cables are not what would commonly be known as an "extension cord". Naturally, one problem is that "extension cord" isn't defined. One definition I did find: Extension cords, also referred to as portable cords, are used for temporary power connections requiring a flexible cord seems to fit the generator cables.

Is 590.4(J) just poorly written?

What do you think?
Me? That all of 590 is poorly written- it more addresses longer-term temporary for construction/demolition and ignores the realities of event and emergency use (that aren't covered by 520/525/530/etc). The problem here seems to be what "installed"means.

My take is that things like type S, SC, or W cables are perfectly fine running across the floor (which does a bang-up job of "supporting" them), their use is called out in 590.4(B) referencing table 400.4. I'd also support calling them "extension cords" because that's what they do- extend existing connections.
Please take a look at 590.3. It gives you the time Constraints where Article 590 is applicable. It covers construction, holiday lights, emergencies and tests, and Removal timeframe.

Does this reflect reality - probably not. What is an emergency?

I'll jump on the 590 written poorly bandwagon.
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