6 AWG Aluminum SE for 50 Amp Range Ckt?

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Is anyone still seeing (or installing) 6 AWG SE aluminum "range cable" on circuits protected by 50 amp breakers? This has long been standard practice where I come from but now (30 years later) I THINK I am smarter and know that in order for this to be Code compliant, both the breaker and the outlet would need to have terminals rated for 75 degrees (table 310-16 75 degree column). I do not have a typical surface mount "range" outlet in my hand and cannot find any termination rating in any Google-able information so I cannot verify that either "most" newer breakers or "most" receptacles have termination rated at 75 degrees. I realize that one would need to verify these things depending on the actual components installed, but I am asking in general what you are doing or seeing.


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Logan, Utah
What code cycle are you under?

There has been a change in the 2008 NEC that would limit SER cable installed as interior wiring to the 60 degree column of 310.16.

Thanks Raider1 but I saw that. I think I know the code; I was looking more for the info about the breakers and receptacles. I also searched the forum and saw the very long discussion on SE cable a little while back but it did not answer my question either.
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