6 Service Switches

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Senior Member
New York, NY
Just a question out of curiosity... where did the limit of 6 service switches per incoming service for a building come from? I've actually been asked twice, but I have no answer.
As near as I can recollect it has something to do with the time it takes to kill the power of the building..
Other than that I have no idea. 😀

Was looking for a joke version . . . found what is supposed to be real -- that is about like typical work day . . . .

I remember back when it was referred to as "six throws of the hand."

We also had 110/220v w/190v high leg, and a neutral was called the identified conductor.
Was looking for a joke version . . . found what is supposed to be real -- that is about like typical work day . . . .

Nice article
Was looking for a joke version . . . found what is supposed to be real -- that is about like typical work day . . . .

I read through the article again. During the 1920's, the Chrysler building in NYC was built... I'm guessing skyscrapers back then only had 2 service disconnects, until they came up with the 6 disconnect max in 1937 for all occupancies.
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