600 to 400 disconnect


Senior Member
Customer has an existing 600a 240v single phase panel feed through a CT can with paralleled 4/0 CU. to main lugs no main breakers. The panelboard has 6 breakers feeding loads throughout the house. We need to install and ATS for generator. The calculated load is 344amps. Parralleled 4/0 is good for 460a. Would a 600a disconnect and fuse be allowed? or would I have to go to 500a fuses? If I we go with 400a Im going to be required to change the meter can to 320/400. vs the original CT set up. I also thought about trying to back feed thru a breaker at panel Im not sure if this woudl be allowed period.
Customer has an existing 600a 240v single phase panel feed through a CT can with paralleled 4/0 CU. to main lugs no main breakers. The panelboard has 6 breakers feeding loads throughout the house. We need to install and ATS for generator. The calculated load is 344amps. Parralleled 4/0 is good for 460a. Would a 600a disconnect and fuse be allowed? or would I have to go to 500a fuses? If I we go with 400a Im going to be required to change the meter can to 320/400. vs the original CT set up. I also thought about trying to back feed thru a breaker at panel Im not sure if this woudl be allowed period.
I doubt the poco would care about changing to a different meter set up. It would change nothing on their end as far as metering.
I agree; no reason to change any equipment, especially to go smaller.

You could use 2,000a gear if you wanted, as long as you fuse correctly.