600Y/347V Fuse Rating

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Senior Member
Katy, Texas
Project Engineer
I'm working on a design that is using a 600Y/347V secondary. This is my first experience with this voltage configuration.
Is a 600V class fuse acceptable or do I need to go to 1000V ratings?
I am thinking a scenario exists where the secondary can potentially be more than 600 if the primary is "stiff".
Ex - our shop is a 480Y/277 and we typically see readings at 490-500.
I expect the same scenario to be possible on a XF with a 600V secondary tap.
I would not get overly worried about it. The voltage rating of the fuses is for nominal voltages. It is not like if the voltage crosses over from 600V to 601V that the fuse will explode.

I have worked with 600V systems before. Usually they end up being about 550 V in reality.
I would not get overly worried about it. The voltage rating of the fuses is for nominal voltages. It is not like if the voltage crosses over from 600V to 601V that the fuse will explode.

I have worked with 600V systems before. Usually they end up being about 550 V in reality.
Yes. Fuses are sold in voltage "classes", so a 600V class fuse is expected to perform in a nominal 600V system, including within the tolerable ranges of what a 600V system can deliver. Don't over think it.
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