601 amp fuse

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iwire said:
Essentially it is a 600 amp fuse in a larger package.

It will fit into a 800 amp disconnect.

That may answer the "why" question for some, but it eludes me.
Seems over the years I have heard of a reason it was lisetd as "standard" that involved motors but that reason has leaked from the old brain also.
Other than fiiting an 800 switch, do you reall a reason?
augie47 said:
That may answer the "why" question for some, but it eludes me.
Seems over the years I have heard of a reason it was lisetd as "standard" that involved motors but that reason has leaked from the old brain also.
Other than fiiting an 800 switch, do you reall a reason?

Did you ever notice that there are no fuse ratings that cross over "cartridge" sizes?

Up until just a few years ago you could not purchase Class L fuses below 600A and there are no fuse reducers for Class L, so a 601 fuse was used for 600A applications.
I did a project years ago that had a fused main distribution board. Owner wanted to value engineer after the gear was on site. They asked us to downsize the feeders to 6 800 amp panels to 600 amps. Since we already had the 800 amp switches in the main gear so we used 601 amp fuses. The engineer didn't believe me when I told him they were readily available.
iwire said:
Essentially it is a 600 amp fuse in a larger package.

It will fit into a 800 amp disconnect.
Good answer Bob, that is the same answer I remember from the Code Panel 10 meetings (Article 240). :smile:
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