680.12: Pool equip multiple disconnects .....?

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Señor Member
Former Child
680.12 says that "one or more means to simultaneously disconnect all ungrounded conductors for utilization equipment other than lighting ......"


I've always interpreted this to mean that you must have a way to disconnect every pool pump with a single disconnect. Is that correct?

Went to wire a commercial pool today, and the project electrician had provided one single phase feeder for a pool panel to operate a single phase 2HP pump and lighting, and they provided a separate 3-phase circuit in another conduit for a continuously running 7.5HP pool pump.

The pool panel sits next to the equipment pad and has breakers for the 2HP pump and lights; the 3-phase pump circuit comes from a sub-panel about 30' away. I brought this up with the pool contractor, and they indicated to me that the project drawings showed this setup. The sub-panel that has the 3-phase pump circuit also feeds the 3-phase pump, so would the MCB in that panel count? My concern was having those two panels separated that far but both feeding equipment on the pad.

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I think it would be better if the disconnects were grouped, but the NEC only says it has to be within sight, which is defined as within 50'. So, I think your install is legal, maybe not the best design but legal.
If I read your description correct that is!
I think what's throwing me here is the exception for lighting. In my mind, I viewed the scenario to be all pumps must be able to be disconnected by a common disconnect, with the exception for lighting allowed because it could come from a different panel. I couldn't think of another reason as to why the exception for lighting is there. Thoughts ?

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