695.3(b)(3) ? 2008 nec

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charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Semi-Retired Electrical Engineer

I have a generator that will supply, among other things, a fire pump. The present site plan shows it located on the same concrete pad as the utility transformer. Does that violate the rule about a fire in one source not causing an interruption in the other? The NEC does not give specific separation requirements, but does anyone know of a rule (or a rule-of-thumb) regarding minimum distances?
If this is an emergency generator covered under 700 - .9(c) may be sited by the AHJ. If it is only a 701 - the NEC doesn't have a similar section. In the end, I guess it is how is the building being used during a power outage and is the Service Company considered reliable. Also check NFPA110.....Good Luck...

edit: 701.11 - last sentance....
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