You could put the generator breaker at 125%, but since we are assuming only the fire pump motor load and controls are on the generator we are also assuming the controls will have the overload protection in it. Thus the generator only needs to worry about short circuit protect. Per table 430.52 you have a maximum size of 250% to eliminate motor starting OCPD tripping.
The generator is an emergency power source and is not the primary. Only the primary source needs to handle the LRC continuously. The emergency source only needs to make sure the alternator can handle the start up of the motor without the controls seeing more than 15% VD (this is the controls and not the motor as they are worried a relay might drop during starting). Thus many fire pump starting circuits use some type of reduced voltage starting besides Across The Line.
When you say other loads, make sure that Jockey pumps (Yep Jockey Pump is not allowed on FP system) and other non fire pump equipment are either not on the generator or are on a separate generator breaker than the Fire Pump.