!7 kw generator

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SW of Chicago
I am installing a 17 kw generator which will be located approx. 75 feet from the transfer switch. The transfer switch is located right next to main panel. I have run a one inch pipe and the original whip from the transfer switch to the generator has 3-#6 and 1 #8 wires with 5 control wires. Do I need to upsize the wires to #4 for voltage drop and can I run the 5 control wire in the same pipe? Also, would 14 gauge THHN wires be acceptable for the control wires?


You should not experience much voltage drop at all over 75 feet. If you think about it some houses have home runs that long or longer. You should not run your control wires in the same conduit as the the current carrying wires. We use a lot of 14/6 SO cable for our control wires. The control wires can carry voltage but there is very little load. Generac recommends 14 AWG wire for control wires.
Voltage drop is not a problem. 14 THHN is fine for control wires. Unless you use the factory supplied whip it's easier to use two pipes- one for generator power and one for control.

Art. 725 has some exceptions, but every time I try to figure them out I get a headache and suffer a three month bout of depression. Even if I have to dig a new ditch it is a better choice for me.
Is the reason you should not run the control wires in the same pipe due to possible "bleed over" or is it just easier to pull? The run is a real tough one to pipe.
I was told it was ok by a Generac installer however after researching Generacs site I found conflicting information. I found somewhere that you run the risk of the magnetic field of the power conductors sending false signals through the control conductors telling the generator to shut off.
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