700.10 (D) Emergency Feeder

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Electrical Engineer
A question for the following arrangement.
An exterior generator with a MOCP feeding a bussed wireway on an Hframe. This wireway feeds two disconnects one for life safety the other for legally required standby.

It is my understanding the the bussed wireway would be considered the common bus and so the feeder from the generator to the bussed wireway would not be an emergency feeder. However after the disconnect for the emergency the conduit and wire up to the first distribution panel would be considered a feeder. Reviewing the section the code does not make any distinction between an outside feeder and an inside feeder when specifying the requirement of 700.10(D). It would seem to me anything outside the envelope of the building would not require the 2" concrete encasement however I can't find anything in the code that would allow that justification.

What are your thoughts?
700.10(D) does not consider 2 in. of concrete to be outside the building like 230.6 for Services. 700.10(D) is silent regarding exterior vs interior installations.

Where 700.10(D) requires protection, which is not all the time, but when you need it, you need it.
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