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Still unclear on this one guys...I have two conduits, one with normal utility power lighting circuits in it, and one off the emergency lighting panel, again with lighting circuits in it. My question is during the remodel can I run a new conduit and combine these.
Does 700.9(B) 1-5 say I'm allowed. (because its only lighting) I'm confused, sems to me I was told once upon a time the AHJ's hate to see normal and emergency power in the same conduit even if it is labled as such.

This may be a dumb question so be kind.

Thanks guys

You are not permitted to install emergency circuits and non emergency circuits in the same raceway, cable, box, or cabinet unless specifically permitted in 700.9(B)(1) through (4).

Now I need to clarify that the term "emergency circuit" refers to a circuit feed from an emergency power source such as a generator. I am guessing that if you have an emergency lighting panel that the panel is supplied by the normal utility and an emergency source with the proper tranfer equipment. This set up would be considered an emergency circuit.


My lighting panel which serves normal lighting loads is fed from the utility, when I loose the utility my back-up generator kicks on. My transfer switch actualy sees several lighting panels.

I was thinking that since both circuits were only for lighting, I could get away with it,.

Thanks for the clarification Chris

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