70E Arc Flash Category Method?


Senior Member
Bradford County, PA
Industrial Electrician
Been reviewing 70E 2024. Was looking at table 130.7(C)(15)(a) Arc Flash PPE Categories for Alternating Current (ac) Systems.

There are division in the PPE Category depending on the available fault current of 25kA, 35kA, 42kA, and 65kA. I was taught long ago that you can determine the kA of a transformer by dividing the kVA by Z (impedance), divided y the V (voltage), wait is that right? I now understand that is not accurate, but seems the only reasonable rule of thumb when out in the field. That is, when there is a transformer that you can get to the nameplate.

But what about pole transformers? I am looking for a rule of thumb for determining the kA of pole transformers when out in the field. Maybe by the physical size or other characteristics like cooling fins?

And folks, I am not looking for "All I ever do is ... and it hasn't been a problem." type answers. OK?
Taking the FLA/%Z gives a fault current based on having an infinite source. This is a wonderful method to use for determining the maximum SCCR and AIC, even on pole style transformers.
However using the PPE selection tables in 70E requires you to know the protective device clearing time based on the actual fault current not on a fictional infinite value.
It is amazing how relatively short a run of conductor needs to be to keep a fuse out of its current limiting region, which results in an increase in Arc Flash Incident Energy.
Taking the FLA/%Z gives a fault current based on having an infinite source. This is a wonderful method to use for determining the maximum SCCR and AIC, even on pole style transformers.
However using the PPE selection tables in 70E requires you to know the protective device clearing time based on the actual fault current not on a fictional infinite value.
It is amazing how relatively short a run of conductor needs to be to keep a fuse out of its current limiting region, which results in an increase in Arc Flash Incident Energy.
Hmmm, I was mostly thinking about the situation with MCCBs. Looking at the table leads me to believe that they will open in 2 cycles during a fault.
Hmmm, I was mostly thinking about the situation with MCCBs. Looking at the table leads me to believe that they will open in 2 cycles during a fault.
Again. Their opening time depends on the amount of actual fault current flowing through them. Infinite bus values should never be used to determine device opening and clearing times.
Again. Their opening time depends on the amount of actual fault current flowing through them. Infinite bus values should never be used to determine device opening and clearing times.
Well, that is how the short circuit calculations I see do it. But two other things:

So are you saying that by having a SMALLER short circuit current, the result can be a LARGER arc blast?

But what I really want to know is: Can the kva of a pole transformer be estimated by looking at it?
So are you saying that by having a SMALLER short circuit current, the result can be a LARGER arc blast?
The arc flash incident energy is dependent on the length of time and the amount of current. Low values of current means the protective device takes longer to operate resulting high energy levels.

Arc blast is a separate item. So far there are no industry accepted formulas that relate fault current to arc blast pressure.
Pole-mounted transformer have a fairly wide range of impedances, so you may need to calculate a minimum and maximum. If you Google "GET 3550" you will find an old guide from GE on short circuit calculations. In the back you will find typical impedances for different types of transformers based on the type. This will give you a starting point. But this table was based on GE transformers made 50 years ago probably, so YMMV.

BUT, for low voltage feeders (<600V), the short circuit current decreases rapidly as the circuit length increases. This is especially true for 240 V and lower.