70's apartments


I am reviewing a building which is now, for the 1st time, being required to have a 40 yr electrical inspection. The kitchens are lacking gfci recepts and have only
3-20 amp circuits. One feeds the refrigerator, one feeds the disposal, and one feeds the counter receptacles. The apartments were built in the early 70's.
It looks like that was the way they were originally wired. I know common sense would dictate better power distribution, but is there a way this could have been installed legally or grand fathered in ?
Thanx, dhsvcs
In the City of Boca Raton, Florida they are restarting a requirement that all buildings 3 stories or taller are required to meet certain requirements for both structural and electrical elements. I am calling the chief electrical inspector today to ask what is required be upgraded and what can be "grandfathered" in. The more info I can get in advance before my conversation gives me more to work with in my conversation with the electrical inspector. I know "Life Safety" is a required upgrade, but I am going to negotiate other upgrades or see if I can spread out improvements in a manner my client can support. My main need is what is REQUIRED to be upgraded...
In the City of Boca Raton, Florida they are restarting a requirement that all buildings 3 stories or taller are required to meet certain requirements for both structural and electrical elements.
One would think that they've produced some type of documentation stating what exactly is actually required.
I am calling the chief electrical inspector today to ask what is required be upgraded and what can be "grandfathered" in. The more info I can get in advance before my conversation gives me more to work with in my conversation with the electrical inspector
I strongly suggest you get your information in writing.

If this is required by some local government agency then it should be adopted as a law and in writing. I wouldn't accept any verbal information from anyone.
Even though the building was built i n the early 70's, this is the first inspection and they are asking for a 30 yr recertification inspection...


  • pgss 10 11 Recertification Guidelines.pdf
    55.8 KB · Views: 10
  • Electrical Safety Report Checklist for Customers fillable_202402011425548960.pdf
    261.7 KB · Views: 13