8" underground PVC sleeve for future conduits

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My architect is asking for me to put a few 8" underground PVC sleeves on my plans under a new road, to be used in the future to run site lighting circuits beneath a new road without disrupting the road or needing to bore. The future conduits would be 1" or 1-1/4" probably.

NEC 352.20 states that 6" is the maximum size for PVC allowed.
But the question is: Does the "sleeve" as we intend to use it need to follow the NEC max size?

The NEC does not address "sleeves" except indirectly if they will contain wires that need to be a certain depth below the road for protection.
But the max diameter and minimum depth to avoid mechanical problems with the road are can engineering calculation not part of the NEC.

A sleeve you are chasing future pvc conduits through can be anything or any size, the NEC doesn't care. You'll most likely end up using pvc water or drain pipe to get an 8" size.
While its allowed by the NEC, or lets say not prohibited, later if some excavation is being done, they see a white PVC pipe, well thats water. What a surprise they will find on the inside.
I don't like this as what you see is not what you get.
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