9 pin serial to blue tooth

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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
We Had to break out an old anemometer a couple days ago. It uses a 9 pin cable when connected to an old laptop. We couldn’t find the cable that came with it but found a 9 to USB. Works fine. I see they make 9 pin to Bluetooth adapters which would add another level of convenience. How do I know which one?
We Had to break out an old anemometer a couple days ago. It uses a 9 pin cable when connected to an old laptop. We couldn’t find the cable that came with it but found a 9 to USB. Works fine. I see they make 9 pin to Bluetooth adapters which would add another level of convenience. How do I know which one?
USB is a wired connection. Bluetooth is a wireless connection. For Bluetooth to be usable, it will take more than a connector adapter to work. Maybe I am not understanding what you are trying to do.
I think he wants to connect the anemometer 9 pin to the Bluetooth adapter and communicate with the PC via Bluetooth.

Maybe they do make a self powered serial to Bluetooth adapter he can use it with?

ETA: Have a look here- http://www.usconverters.com/serial-bluetooth-adapter

They do make the serial to Bluetooth battery, battery pack, power supply units that would, connect to my anemometer. Yes, they should connect to my laptops Bluetooth.
We Had to break out an old anemometer a couple days ago. It uses a 9 pin cable when connected to an old laptop. We couldn’t find the cable that came with it but found a 9 to USB. Works fine. I see they make 9 pin to Bluetooth adapters which would add another level of convenience. How do I know which one?

If you found a serial to USB converter that worked on your first go, congratulations. In my experience it can be hit or miss. Siemens found this issue with some after market converters for use with their Zeus programming tool for their XLS fire alarm control panels. And just because it worked with the anemometer, doesn't mean it will work with your tilting bucket rain gauge.
If you found a serial to USB converter that worked on your first go, congratulations. In my experience it can be hit or miss. Siemens found this issue with some after market converters for use with their Zeus programming tool for their XLS fire alarm control panels. And just because it worked with the anemometer, doesn't mean it will work with your tilting bucket rain gauge.
That’s what I found out with AB products and that cable IIRC. Sometimes they worked together fine, next thing nothing.
That’s what I found out with AB products and that cable IIRC. Sometimes they worked together fine, next thing nothing.

One issue with the USB to serial converters is that if you plug them in a different USB port it coms up as a different COM port, so your AB RSLinx configuration has to be changed to look at the correct COM port.
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