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Senior Member
IBC 2003
105.2.3 Public service agencies. A permit shall not be required for the installation, alteration or repair of generation, transmission, distribution or metering or other related
equipment that is under the ownership and control of public service agencies by established right.

PA. Uniform construction Code
403.62(e) A permit is not required for the installation, alteration or repair of generation, transmission, distribution, metering or other related equipment that is, by established right, under the ownership and control of a public utility as the term ??public utility?? is defined in 66 Pa.C.S. ? 102 (relating to the definitions).

NEC 2002
90.2 Scope.
(B) Not Covered. This Code does not cover the following:
(5) Installations under the exclusive control of an electric utility where such installations
a. Consist of service drops or service laterals, and associated metering, or
b. Are located in legally established easements, rights-of-way, or by other agreements either designated by or recognized by public service commissions, utility commissions, or other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction for such installations, or
c. Are on property owned or leased by the electric utility for the purpose of communications, metering, generation, control, transformation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy.

A contractor installed a 200 amp service for the phone Companies MESA Cabinet. The phone company?s position is that this is under there control and is exempt from a permit.
The state administrator for the Dept Of labor and industry agrees based on the language given in 403.62 I always thought this type of work was within the scope of the NEC. From what I am Being told it is not.


Senior Member
Snohomish, WA
Re: 90.2

We ran into that exact same thing here in WA state, except that the WA State Dept. of L&I felt it was under their jurisdiction to inspect. I settlement was reached between the two, as we were put in the middle of it as subcontractors. At issue was the equipment being installed was not listed. It now does not have to be listed if it's strictly for the phone company's phone equipment. If it's part of the bldg, ie. lights, plugs, hvac...it has to be listed equipment and falls under the state's authority. The state will still inspect up to the equipment being wired up, but will not check for the proper listing on that equipment.

We also wire up the ESA sites, which often have MESA's on them. Again, the state will inspect the service and the raceway and wires leading up to the phone equipment, at which point their jurisdiction will stop. I do believe that Verizon challenged the state in court here and in New Jersey and won their cases, as both states had similar laws on the books.


Senior Member
Re: 90.2

In my opinion, the NESC applies to the communications companies as well as the electric utilities. We have installed switches to control street lighting and panelboards in our vaults, do you really think they should come under the NEC? You really have to look at the concept of the service point. :D
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