a/c service receptacle

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Can a service receptacle for an outdoor a/c condenser be bought through the wall from an inside receptacle if the new outside receptacle is installed with a gfci ?
This is for a sf residence so it is unlikely that there would be much load on that circuit except for during service, but you never know who might try to utilize that receptacle...
Thanx, dhsvcs
You can install the GFCI inside and use the feed-through terminals to protect the GFCI from weather.
You can't if the inside receptacle has restrictions about serving other areas, e.g. kitchen counter receptacles, laundry receptacle, bathroom receptacles. I wish they had an exception to that, as a kitchen and bathroom receptacle branch circuits are frequently on or near an outside wall and a nice place to get a 20A feed from for an outside receptacle.
You can install the GFCI inside and use the feed-through terminals to protect the GFCI from weather.

That way when the service guy trips the GFI inside and can't get in the customers house to reset it he can go home early.

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