A conversation with a mulit business man

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Senior Member
Durham, NC
I had this conversation with a friend about the past weeks of being an electrian and doing buisness. There is two books listed in red.
Enjoy, its a little winded...

I told him that I was going to paste the conversation.

CADPoint: as your business has grown with your second business have you found that you've lost connection with "doing the work?, as opposed to running the Office.
K: No, I?m right smack in middle of it
K: i was at shop 5:00 this am, helping load rig, they left to head to Maryland, called 2 hrs later, broke down, i found them alternator at a napa, they got back on road in under 1/2 hour. I eat sleep and breathe this!
CADPoint: there a grip on the electrical forum why the Big Dogs don't post here, that the Business side is not understood, "electrician" fighting Truck slammers
CADPoint: and can't make money, blah, blah, blah
K: yep, I can see that, I am aware that u can become a corporate entity, running a corporation vs a business, bit I scraped for YEARS when i started in const, I wont let it happen, again
CADPoint: I'm get a pay check from a large operation I'm a 7 - 3:30 man
K: i got great guys working for me, burst their britches helping me build this monster, I care too much about them and their families to let this fall apart
CADPoint: right all that, goes unsaid, and Good for you to be so Considerate
CADPoint: no the conversation came down to: not worrying about the nuts and bolts but smoothing the Corp /client world as opposed to worrying about electrical work and how it gets put together. IE why you hire good People
K: yep
K: i am lucky as to have wandered into this, there?s no way i will blow it, now
K: We are growing fast.
CADPoint: Congratulations, Great ...
CADPoint: What it comes do to just like anything less some people can do the Dance some should just sit out
K: agree
K: was asked at dinner meeting last week, to build a specialty Rig like one we made, for an Engineering firm, to take to Louisiana for a 1 year contract, I?m all over it
CADPoint: Cool
K: these guys growing fast too (The Contracting Firm)
K: I got hold of their shirttails
CADPoint: niche market, gezz louise ...
K: roger that ramjet.
K: locked up here, didn?t catch any of that
CADPoint: joken ...
K: here is a great read, found it in a airport magazine store.. "How to Become A Raimaker" ISBN 0-7868-6595-4, Jeff Fox
CADPoint: lol
CADPoint: the comedian ?
K: ... the rules for getting and keeping customers/clients great stuff
K: LOL no,, Harvard prof.
CADPoint: OK, new to press or in paper back? (both are avaiable)
Ketco: some chapters i recall are: You're not at lunch to eat lunch... a shot on goal is never a bad play; Fish where the big fish are
K: i walked away form this book with some real sound plans
K: companion book is "How to make Big Money in your own small business" 6825-2
CADPoint: I believe its the Application of Business, "the Public" has stumped more people and applying there Trade
K: yep
CADPoint: electrician failing in Business
K: business is simple... find what they need, do it the best, competitively, consistently, make yourself indispensable, and slowly raise your prices
CADPoint: : >
K: if they wine at prices going up, be sure you can tell them, no one has what we have to offer at these rates, I use that line nearly every week.
CADPoint: wow
K: another great position to be in: I understand Joe Smo can do it cheaper, I suggest you use him, if we can help you in the future, please call!!!!
K: they HATE that line
CADPoint: & you walk away >
CADPoint: ?
K: 1/2 the time i use it,, it is a bluff
CADPoint: but your ready to Walk ?
K: not really, remember i said its bluffing 1/2 the time
K: also,, I said,, BE IN THE POSITION where u are best for the buck
K: one more great line i use often,,,, I get call,, guy saying I have to come down in price, he has lots more work, etc.....
K: I say, Frank... I am so backed up right now,, you'd be doing me a huge favor if you found someone cheaper to go with, please call us on the next job, we would love to bid it. K: that ends his negotiating power
CADPoint: Reverse Phyco
K: these tips of course,, are assuming you are established and not hurting for work
CADPoint: shot I thought he was going to ask you to throw in 200.00 for Him
CADPoint: also mentioned in forum
K: i have never given a kickback, and never will
K: you want more? LOLOLOL
CADPoint: Yeah that?s what I was thinking also, to me it really meant they bother weren?t charging enough any was
CADPoint: but why the GC is asking an electrician to put money in when the GC is to bill client any was ?
K: you mean kickback money?
CADPoint: collusion came to mind when I read it, yes
K: AVARITIA (avaricious in dictionary)
K: the 3rd Deadly Sin.... GREED
CADPoint: OK, lol
K: i don?t get off on making money,, I get off on cutting a deal,, and successfully completing the contract
CADPoint: excellent, and the book stated as much and inspired you to a higher insight of a Drive ?
K: the books really helped bring it all together, I think my best lessons are from getting cheated over the last 23 years, no lesson beats digging in your pocket to pay for it.
CADPoint: well of course, that would, no doubt
CADPoint: but this Book and your experience has turned you around ?
K: it changed the way i do business and now i am growing a lot faster than anything I have ever done.
K: i got a great poster in my office.....
K: Until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore, you will know not the terror of being forever lost at sea.
CADPoint: Drafting Teacher had one, "Think" on one side, "DAMN IT!!" it on the Other
K: LOL yep
CADPoint: how big and how close is that you your desk and the Size of the Sign ?
K: its on wall right next to me,, everyone sees it when they enter office
K: 2' x 3' ?
K: my other poster is Johnny Cash
K: got to roll, see ya late man
CADPoint: OK, thanks
Since this has 70 reads and no responses, I'll see if I can break the ice here.

I'm old & gray, so maybe not the average poster here. I wish you'd translate this into a paragraph or two of something useful and easy to read.

A conversation with a mulit business man
Is this the guy??
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Tiger Electrical said:
Since this has 70 reads and no responses, I'll see if I can break the ice here.
I'm old & gray, so maybe not the average poster here. I wish you'd translate this into a paragraph or two of something useful and easy to read.
Ya'll were waiting for the 70th Post! Ya'll are getting Soft!
False witness is one of the big ten sins and I don't practice those, sorry!

I should have said "an interview" maybe there would have been less readers. The truth is that it was a chat session, with bad phonics and all.
I didn't have a list of questions for this.

If it was just paragraphs, it would truly be nonsense. The sentence structure or lack of make don't make any common sense excect the socail excuse of a chat session. Based on (above) I will give you that. Nor does it even present a complete thought process, IE standard anything.

I had to rip out a better overall explanation, and drop a few of my own comments as required to meet post limitations. It was frankly a lot of work and was stunned to get it to post as desired.

I'm sorry if you missed the jest or flow of thought! Truly!

I didn't start out to interview this "CAT", nor do this type of submittal to the Forum. This Cat is a GC that has branched out to a second career that I knew was going well for him. As the conversation progressed it dawned on me to use this as it bothers me about lack of information, not using information and bad business practices, overall as read here moment by moment! Frankly for me it was him turning himself around after reading a book or two. Well I know its a grade school hang-over for me.
I'm from the the old school club, "we don't guess we look it up club" seems to work here, too!

I really only asked two points the first is my the opening first sentence the other is about kickback, IE of a agent putting more money into a bidas I recall.

Theres alot to just talking to someone about business practices, I'm a true believer in why there are some many eyes here daily. What is said, or not said for just common thoughts, practices, applications to present information be it different thans others normal thought process.

What gets me about here, is one will be reading a post and its seems like someone PM a message to the op to gain some insight and post a thread line then turns to talk about the correct application never mentioned in by the OP! Talk about your wait a minute moment!

I got called "old" the other day, and on the Job! It was like a bad song that gets stuck with as the day goes by, "OLD" "OLD", I said it loud and long. Well again you are correct, I'm right there with ya in Age. Cheers...

Ya'll are a Trip! Besides that your electricians, get to work, will ya!
Sometimes you all can be very thouhtless. Cadpoint made total sense in his last post and also in the dialogue post. Give the guy a break. I agree sometimes it is hard to read his posts but does that give us the right to try and hurt someones feelings. It is wrong and I think responses that have no other purpose than to hurt someone ought to be banned,
Dennis Alwon said:
Sometimes you all can be very thouhtless. Cadpoint made total sense in his last post and also in the dialogue post. Give the guy a break. I agree sometimes it is hard to read his posts but does that give us the right to try and hurt someones feelings. It is wrong and I think responses that have no other purpose than to hurt someone ought to be banned,

For the record...I am merely joking with Cadpoint...it's been a running joke from my side...and for the second record, i am usually quite callous and thoughtless...
Tiger Electrical said:
I wish you'd translate this Dave

Tiger Electrical said:
I'm old & gray, so maybe not the average poster here. I wish you'd translate this into a paragraph or two of something useful and easy to read.
I enjoy this site because everything here is so easy to understand!

electricmanscott said:
I this the guy??
Thanks for taking the time to prepare that.

iwire said:

He makes Joe Dirt look GQ.
Where are my gloves?

peter d said:
Cadpoint, are your sure this wasn't a conversation with yourself?
That was a fine Sunday read Cad, thanks.

Tiger Electrical said:
"Mulit", pronounced moo-lit, noun

1) An intoxicated person who tips cows.
I'm bored.

Fire Alarm said:
The entire dialog sounds fictional.
I need some pull stations stubed up when you get time.

emahler said:
i gotta get me a Cadanese to English dictionary...:shrug:
Does my belly make me look fat?

iwire said:
I thought George was going to translate for us? :confused:
Wait, I don't wear gloves.
c'mon bob, you're from mass...that was a fine example of kennedy speak...a lot of words, but nothing said:D
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