A few Knob & Tube pics

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Pgh, Pa.
For the members and others that don't get to see much knob & tube wiring, here are a few pics of it.

This house is about a 100 yr old frame bldg with what I believe was a 30A 120V service with the meter installed inside on a wall above an interior door. The two fuse block above the meter is protecting the mains before they hit the meter, one is a fused nuetral.

This service has been de-energized at the pole. I haven't begun to demo the old, it is all being ripped out and the bldg is getting a complete rewire from weatherhead to attic recpts. Note the small 4 fuse box this is located in the second floor hallway and includes fused neutrals.

Click on any picture to see the whole album which has about twenty photos all told.


edited to add comment about fused mains
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Thanks Frank! These are great.

I like how they placed tubes at cross over points to prevent unintentional contact (Top left corner of the first pic)

I used to see this stuff alot when I was contracting. I don't see it much anyomore. The city I work in is only 50 years old. I do run into from time to time when I am up visiting my Father's home in Upsate NY.

Do you get to keep all the old parts?
standard fusing

standard fusing

and true to form to most household fusible equipment, all the fuses seem to be 30 amp..even a time delay at the service.. and the old K&T "kept on tickin" :grin:
IMO these are not the best examples of properly done or maintained K&T. Which only goes to show there were hacks back then too.... :grin:

For instance SQUIRRLES could have done better:
e57 said:
IMO these are not the best examples of properly done or maintained K&T. Which only goes to show there were hacks back then too.... :grin:

For instance SQUIRRLES could have done better:

There's no doubt that these are not the best examples that are out there. I just happened to come across these files. But this is an example of what is often encountered when opening up walls and seeing the results of years of use along side of many "upgrades" made to accommodate lifestyle changes over the years.

This can also be used as an example to demonstrate how something as seemingly un-important as a connector not installed or supporting cables properly can cause problems down the road.

In the future I will try to document more of conditions we routinely run across.

And for the record, I do believe that squirrels did have something to do with that one picture.

Great pictures, thanks Frank. I love working with the old stuff. A total gut job aside, t can be a real challenge tying the new in with the old and making it all work correctly and stay code compliant.

That K&T just a keeps on tickin'!
bphgravity said:
.......... I don't see it much anyomore. The city I work in is only 50 years old. I do run into from time to time when I am up visiting my Father's home in Upsate NY.........

Upstate NY is loaded with it.........and still using it in many, many homes all over the place. :smile:
Picture number 9 looks like a light that was once fed from a gas line. I've seen some of them in the older buildings but not many. Only in camps now a days:grin: .
That is cool....been awhile since I ran across K&T.
My grandpa used to keep a tube in his shirt pocket to 'touch up the edge of his pocket knife'. Works in a pinch! I used to keep a few in my totes too.
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