A low voltage NEMA 4X junction box in a Class 1 Div 1 Area

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I refuse to continue work on my alternate's new junction box for a crude oil skimmer skid for these reasons. Its a NEMA 4x rated box in a Class 1 Division 1 Area. I was told that there was verbal permission by an engineer, but i want to see it in writing first. This box on a skid is going in a crude oil water tank, there is a little layer of crude and the skimmer scoops it constantly floating around the tank raking the crude up.

I was told to keep it hush hush but I come from a strong safety background. I was told that it is a non arcing and sparking application because the box feeds RTD's and a a couple of speed switches.

Am I right to raise the red flag on this matter? If so where can I prove it in the Code?

Thanks my fellow scholars.
See Sections 501.10(A)(3), 501.105(A) and 501.120(A). Unless marked otherwise, a NEMA 4X enclosure is not suitable by itself in Class I, Division 1. Possible options are purged/pressurized or intrinsically safe.

Corrected reference to 501.10(A)(3).
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