A response to "Typical HO Request" thread

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Senior Member
This thread made me think of something similar that happened a couple weeks ago.

Got a call about 3 in the afternoon, asking if I would be interested in bidding a project. Sure, I said. He asked for my fax number, saying everything I needed to know will be faxed to me.

About 5:30 that night, the fax finally starts. Talk about killing trees! I had to reload the fax with paper 3 times. FINALLY, at 6:15 it stops. 158 pages in all. Most totally unreadable. Obviously, some are scaled-down copies of the blueprints, but only the lines, circles, squares & rectangles can be recognized. I could not tell if I was looking at something 3x7" or the size of a football field.

Project is a new sewer treatment plant. I gathered rather quickly there were 44 pumps, each with a control panel. No specs on the panels, nor who was to supply them. There were a lot of detail pages concerning the pumps themselves, but the text became nothing but meaningless dots. Being unable to even read a scale, I didn't know if the project was 1 acre or 100.

I decided I would try to contact them the next day to inquire about obtaining a usable set of prints, until I read the cover sheet.

"Please have your estimate faxed to our office no later than 6:00 PM today."

I'm still trying to figure out why they even bothered to call me.
480sparky said:
"Please have your estimate faxed to our office no later than 6:00 PM today."

I'm still trying to figure out why they even bothered to call me.
Believe it or not, this is a common scam perpetrated by entities required to have open bidding, but who have already picked the contractor they actually want. They do all kinds of things to make it difficult for anyone but the contractor they have already picked to come up with a bid.

But they can more or less honestly say they actively solicited bids and no one else bid.
petersonra said:
Believe it or not, this is a common scam perpetrated by entities required to have open bidding, but who have already picked the contractor they actually want. They do all kinds of things to make it difficult for anyone but the contractor they have already picked to come up with a bid.

But they can more or less honestly say they actively solicited bids and no one else bid.

My gut reaction was to send a proposal for 14 billion dollars back to them. They would never accept it, but if they did, I'd be having lunch with Donald and Bill someday. :D
Obviously they had no real intention of entertaining your bid. Too bad you had to waste so much paper.:rolleyes:
petersonra said:
Believe it or not, this is a common scam perpetrated by entities required to have open bidding, but who have already picked the contractor they actually want. They do all kinds of things to make it difficult for anyone but the contractor they have already picked to come up with a bid.

But they can more or less honestly say they actively solicited bids and no one else bid.

Its either that or they are trying to get a number to get someone to drop thier price. I get alot of calls where they try to rush you to get a number to them in just a couple days. No thanks, I dont rush on a set of prints on a large job...
ultramegabob said:
Its either that or they are trying to get a number to get someone to drop thier price. I get alot of calls where they try to rush you to get a number to them in just a couple days. No thanks, I dont rush on a set of prints on a large job...

That's kind of along the lines I was thinking.

Builder wants a lower price, so he rushes the subs into bidding. Claims all the information was provided, but wasn't really. So sub fires off an off-the-cuff price, hoping to get the job. Then finds out what's really involved, and loses his shirt (not to mention his businesss).

I thought, "44 control panels, and I have no idea what they do or what they're for, let alone whether I supply them or not. Let's assume they'd cost me $1,500 each. That's $66,000 !" Now, $66 grand can make a big difference in getting this size of job, but by NOT adding to your bid may get you the contract, but can make you lose money on the whole shebang.
480sparky said:
This thread made me think of something similar that happened a couple weeks ago.

Got a call about 3 in the afternoon, asking if I would be interested in bidding a project. Sure, I said. He asked for my fax number, saying everything I needed to know will be faxed to me.

About 5:30 that night, the fax finally starts. Talk about killing trees! I had to reload the fax with paper 3 times. FINALLY, at 6:15 it stops. 158 pages in all. Most totally unreadable. Obviously, some are scaled-down copies of the blueprints, but only the lines, circles, squares & rectangles can be recognized. I could not tell if I was looking at something 3x7" or the size of a football field.

Project is a new sewer treatment plant. I gathered rather quickly there were 44 pumps, each with a control panel. No specs on the panels, nor who was to supply them. There were a lot of detail pages concerning the pumps themselves, but the text became nothing but meaningless dots. Being unable to even read a scale, I didn't know if the project was 1 acre or 100.

I decided I would try to contact them the next day to inquire about obtaining a usable set of prints, until I read the cover sheet.

"Please have your estimate faxed to our office no later than 6:00 PM today."

I'm still trying to figure out why they even bothered to call me.


Laughed out loud at your senario because I know that you speak the truth. First funny thing - 44 pumps and control panels? (did they happen to mention that six of 'em are 1000HP, 4160?). Funny thing two is "1 acre or 100"?

Funnys number three, four, and five, added by me - all wiring will be nickle plated XHHW, and all exposed conduit will be PVC coated GRC. (and the GC, after bid, faxes you this "did we send you the addendum that explains the 13kv double ended switchgear?).

I have made a lot of money on wastewater treatment plants, but only after having been provided all of the contract documents, ledgible full sized plans (yea, all 130 F sized sheets!), and all of the specs (not just just 16000 section. 15000 and those 17000 sections can eat your lunch) . . .

Best Wishes Everyone
480sparky said:
My gut reaction was to send a proposal for 14 billion dollars back to them. They would never accept it, but if they did, I'd be having lunch with Donald and Bill someday. :D

Why would you want to go slumming? :grin:
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