A tool question...

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I couldn't find a thread that had tools under it's category, so...

1) Is there a "clamp tool" that "continuously" measures wattage or amps over a long period of time (to see how much energy your using on the line) without physically hooking on to the bare wire of a circuit?

like one of those normal clamp measuring tools?
The most popular device is the Emon Dmon (DEMON) - but if there is a need for this type of tenant metering it only means someone of the parties doesn't agree on what they pay for power in the get go.... Post install often makes matters worse when the upset party doesn't get the result they were looking for. i.e. still pays the same or finds out they owe more.... ;)

There also a few devices out there for single fam resi use for those who want to be 'greener' than the Jones'... These use Google PowerMeter software to track usage - so you can get feed-back on what draws the most power - so you can recongnize what to shut off - to reduce your usage....

One of these as mentioned above is TED another is Current Cost....

On the otherhand - from the OP - we can't tell what you're looking to do???? Track usage, bill 3rd party, or trouble shoot a problem? The latter may require a data logger, or power quality ananlyser.... Like those here
I was thinking a data logger too, but his question asked if they made a clamp on style that you didn't actually have to hook to the conductors and it kind of threw me.

Must just be reading it wrong.:confused:
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