abandoned wires

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Senior Member
Hey guys I have a total rewire of an extg. 20's home. The house is undergoing total renovation. Some of the walls are opened up some are not. My question is where I have to fish in new wires to old box or even if I install a new box I wont be able to demo the wires that run under the plaster. My plan is to just cut them where I can not get at em. Does anybody know of a code issue with cutting the old dead wires. I will not be reusing ANY of the old so I know it wont be hot. Comments? I just seems wrong to cut off wires and push back down the wall. But I am not about to take a hammer to the plaster to rip out a dead unused wire.

william runkle

Senior Member
Re: abandoned wires

Joe if you cut them where nobody can touch is fine I assume this is knob and tube take a little time to see how the old timers wired it is amazing. Good luck it sounds like the house will be updated correctly.


Senior Member
Re: abandoned wires

I got this suggestion from a local inspector one time. He pointed out there is no code addressing this as I also knew.
He suggested writing abandoned with a sharpie on the cable sheath, tape the cut end and push it back in the wall. Make sure to do the same at the other end.


Senior Member
Re: abandoned wires

You will be fine as long as you cut and remove all that are visable and in reach.We must assume none will be able to be reused or accidently made live.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: abandoned wires

Labeling the wires as "abandoned" is probably a good idea, as it may benefit some future worker during the next remodel of this house. Good idea, but not a code requirement.


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: abandoned wires

In 725, 760, 800 and 820 just to list a few, it simply states; The accessible portion of abandoned cables shall be removed.

I think you will be fine.


Senior Member
Re: abandoned wires

Lets have a show of hands who here has cut a cable assy or k + t and pushed it in the wall?
I`ll be #1


Senior Member
Re: abandoned wires

Allen, you just sparked an idea for me. Regarding the removal of limited energy circuits...if I were to cut a limited energy circuit to abandon it, I would simply push it into the wall...it is then concealed and therefore doesn't need to be removed! Code compliance has never been made easier!


Senior Member
Re: abandoned wires

I will at least wire nut them if i can.The danger is the guy after you who might try to use that circuit or a part of it with out knowing what has been cut off of it and may be getting live again.


Senior Member
Re: abandoned wires

I will at least wire nut them if i can.The danger is the guy after you who might try to use that circuit or a part of it with out knowing what has been cut off of it and may be getting live again.
Even after looking at all the pictures posted of nutty "handyman" wiring jobs on this site and at ECN, I still would find it hard to believe that somebody would try to re energize a cable that was abandoned in a wall, especially if he doesn't know what the other end is connected to.


Senior Member
Re: abandoned wires

I have seen all kinds of things from lamp cord to open splices,one time with no wire nuts or tape.Capping them is only going to take a few seconds.Just the way i prefer to do it.


Staff member
Re: abandoned wires

Capping them IMO makes them 'look' live.

Cut'em and push'em outa sight.

I hope it goes without saying that is after making sure they are disconnected from any possible feed. :p

As far as what an idiot might do in the future that is well beyond any of our control. :p


Senior Member
Re: abandoned wires

Bob,i see it this way,if capped and dead no problem.Uncapped and become live is a problem.So next guy sees a capped wire,his ticker will tell him it's dead.Have seen far to many whips that were live and not capped.No we can not control some crazy person later.If we go overboard and safe off the wires we might stop a future problem.Not really an nec issue just personal choice :)


Staff member
Re: abandoned wires

Originally posted by jimwalker:
Bob,i see it this way,if capped and dead no problem.Uncapped and become live is a problem.
Of course you are right Jim, it is strictly a personal choice. :)

The problem I have is if you think they may become live then they need to be in a box.

If I disconnect them from the source they will not magically become live. If you think some idiot in the future will reconnect them then you should not just put wire nuts on them you should leave them in a box.

You see what I am getting at, capped and live is a violation. :)

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