We're having issues with a multidrive lineup at our paper mill with one of the ABB drives providing an intermittent 2340 fault. A few bases to cover, this is a 460VAC 590A drive for a pick up roll motor. Once the fault showed itself, we had our technicians perform meg tests on the cable and the motor itself. All of which have come back satisfactory with the temperature compensation. I've seen motors meg fine, but once a Pdma test was performed we found some issues. I've contacted our ABB support and they swear up and down that it has to be the motor or the cabling. It isn't possible to be anything else. And when I say this is intermittent, it happens once every month and this is the 3rd time we've gotten the fault. After a hard reset on the power, the fault clears and we start up again. Does anyone have any knowledge of drive internals causing a false short circuit? I can't find anything on ABBs knowledge base regarding this issue. Normally it's a continuous problem when it's a motor issue, but this is so far between that I can't catch the problem. Or maybe the testing we're performing needs a new approach. I appreciate any insight at this point since we're grasping at straws now. Thanks guys.