ABB ACS880 with parallel connected Inverter Modules?

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Senior Member
Bradford County, PA
Industrial Electrician
Got called to figure out the fault codes on some old ACS800 drives - 1000A ones. They've been swapping parts on them for quite a while. So... Next week they are bringing in a pair of ACS880 to replace them. I expect they will have two Inverter modules parallel connected to an 800 hp blower like the ACS800 did.

Here's my question. I've been searching through the parameters and have yet to find one that says "Hey, you two inverter modules! You are connected to the same load, so work together."

Anybody got experience with this sort of thing?
That’s not likely a programmable feature that you can access. It’s done with a fiber optic link between the modules because the timing has to be perfect on firing the transistors.

On some parallel drives there might be a feature to allow the drive to keep running at half output if one module dies, referred to as “N -1 operation”, but I don’t know if that one does.
Thanks, Jraef. Yes, only fiber optic would be fast enough. Looking and looking through the literature, when the inverter modules are paralleled on an ACS880 a BCU controller is used. Seems there are other situations where it is used like master/follower. Then there is parameter 95.31 which may be what I am looking for. Seems it defines which inverter modules are paralleled. I plan to call tech support tomorrow when they might not be very busy, but want to do my due diligence before hand. And some of you fine folks might be able to explain things better. Be nice if you could look up a situation like "motors over 500hp" or "paralleling modules" and you would find what you need instead of searching through everything.
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