I have 13 conduits that will be routed together above ground on a pipe rack to feed a 4000 A switchboard. I was modeling this in ETAP. In the ampacity tab of the cable editor in ETAP, I selected NEC for Standard and A/G Conduit for Type. I noticed below a note saying "Base Ampacity is from NEC Tables. Derating for multiple Rows and Columns is based on IPCEA Standard."
I have never derated for grouping above ground conduits, but ETAP is reducing the ampacity by a little over 1000 amps. I contacted ETAP and asked for the standard they are referencing. They told me it was ICEA P-46-426 Table IX. Does anybody have access to that standard to confirm this referenced table is for above ground conduit grouping? And is it true that groups of above ground conduits should be derated?
I have never derated for grouping above ground conduits, but ETAP is reducing the ampacity by a little over 1000 amps. I contacted ETAP and asked for the standard they are referencing. They told me it was ICEA P-46-426 Table IX. Does anybody have access to that standard to confirm this referenced table is for above ground conduit grouping? And is it true that groups of above ground conduits should be derated?