Above ground pool with vinyl liner contacting earth, metal walls above ground

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Senior Member
Northern NJ
Owner TJ Electric
Does an above the ground pool that has a vinyl liner need a copper conductive grid?
680.26(B)(1) is limited to Conductive Pool Shells.
Well, the vinyl liner is NOT conductive but the metal walls are?
Does this need the grid under the vinyl?

How deep is the pool? Look at definitions in 680. If the pool is 42" deep or less then it would be a storable pool and section III would apply
Yes very big difference in requirements.
1'x1' copper grid, 4 points of bonding to the pool walls.
Bonding of the water, is that correct? Storable pools do not have the water bonding requirement??
Yes very big difference in requirements.
1'x1' copper grid, 4 points of bonding to the pool walls.
Bonding of the water, is that correct? Storable pools do not have the water bonding requirement??


680.30 General. Electrical installations at storable pools
shall comply with the provisions of Part I and Part III of
this article.

The key is is the depth of the pool. :cool:
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