above ground pool

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Senior Member
above ground pool 52" deep, double insulated pool
pump motor, nothing within 5ft that requires bonding, would like some opinions on bonding the
pool, is it required? and how (if any) are the
connections made to the pool structure.


Senior Member
Cleveland, Ohio
Re: above ground pool

Your pool is considered a "Permanent" pool. Look at 680.21(B) for the double insulated pump.
Look at 680.22 for the receptacle requirements and all of 680.26 for bonding requirements.


Senior Member
Re: above ground pool

I am aware of all the code sections that apply, I
am interested in how the bonding is being handled
in the field, inspection & contracting, how those
connections are being made.


Senior Member
Re: above ground pool

The pool itself needs to be bonded to the pump motor. A lug can be installed on one of the uprights around the pool. It's easier to do this when the pool is being assembled. As I recall, there may be a spot for the lug on the bracket that the upright connects to. But it's been a while, I might be mistaken. There should be a lug for the bonding jumper on the motor near the wiring compartment. But if your pump is double insulated and has no ground prong and no lug for the bonding jumper, then I would say your next step is to call the AHJ and see what he requires.



Senior Member
Boston, MA
Re: above ground pool

Bonding is required with a double insulated motor the same as you would normally bond the pool. You must connect the bonding conductor to the equipment grounding conductor. The bonding conductor also must run to the motor location and be long enough to connect to a replacement motor for future use should the replacement not be double insulated. You can NOT attach a lug to a double insulated motor.


Senior Member
Re: above ground pool

the question is how are those connections being
made at the pool, and to the equipment ground,
I am aware of all the bonding requirements, as an
inspector I am curious how this is being handled,
in the area I inspect I fail more than I pass for
the connections and how do they protect that connection to the pool from corrosion and damage
just want some opinions, thanks


Senior Member
Boston, MA
Re: above ground pool

I nut and bolt a lug on to anything that requires bonding. Usually I run from the motor to the pool with #8 cu solid , remove a couple of the top covers at the supports and attach a lug where I can connect the bond wire.
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