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Does multiplying by the 75*C AC resistance values in chapter 9 table 9 by 0.0823 give the accurate resistance at 30*C? I can't find a 30*C AC table.
The notes in Table 8 address temperature change. But 30C seems pretty low?!Does multiplying by the 75*C AC resistance values in chapter 9 table 9 by 0.0823 give the accurate resistance at 30*C? I can't find a 30*C AC table.
The notes in Table 8 address temperature change. But 30C seems pretty low?!
Right, but the values are for DC resistance?
Does multiplying by the 75*C AC resistance values in chapter 9 table 9 by 0.0823 give the accurate resistance at 30*C? I can't find a 30*C AC table.
First off the factor is 0.823 (you are off by a factor of 10)
Second is that this gives the change in DC resistance, not AC resistance. This will be approximately correct for small conductors where DC resistance dominates.
Do you know by how much that change would be for AC resistance? I'm assuming reactance stays about the same, but both AC and DC resistance go up as the conductor temp goes up.
My educated guess is that the bulk of AC resistance is simply DC resistance scaled for skin effect, so it will change almost in proportion to DC resistance. (As I recall, skin depth depends on resistivity, so there will be a second order effect of the skin depth changing as temperature changes. ) some AC 'resistance' is probably insulation dissipation with a different tempco, but that will also be a minor effect.
And I concur that reactance will remain essentially unchanged.
AC resistance values are published in the nec table 9. Check out the formula how to calculate voltage drop using the NEC method.
[TD valign="bottom"]
The conductor resistance in d.c. system for different temperature depends on the temperature only.
For example, for copper if we have the conductor temperature at 20oC for 30oC we have to multiply this resistance by Kt=(234.5+30)/(234.5+20).
In a.c. system you have to add skin effect and proximity effect .Rac=RdcT*(1+ys+yp) RdcT =d.c. resistance at T temperature.
Follow the IEC 60287-1-1 equations in
order to calculate ys and yp. You need d.c. resistance at 30oC, the frequency, the conductor diameter and the distance between the phases.[/TD]
Not the skin but the proximity effect.
This is an attached list for maximum Rac [ohm/km] at 30oC
That means AWG? I'll try it later..I likeIs there anyway we can get numbers for 2.08mm2, 3.31mm2 and 5.26mm2 wire? 8.32 and 13.3mm2?
That means AWG? I'll try it later..