- Location
- Monterey ca
Putting together a budget for an owner of a winery outside of Monterey Ca. They are looking to build a new wine barrell storage facility, which will house oak barrells fillled with wine. The temperature inside of the new building will never drop below 40Degrees F. At this point there is no Arch. or Engineers involved ( the owner does not want to be out any preliminary consulting fees), so we are being asked to genarate a budgetary proposal. The genral contractor is a Butler metal building rep. the new building will be a metal building with insulated metal wall panels at all exterior walls. There are no interior walls. Ceining is open type steel beams and purlins with NO prefab insulation panels at any ceiling areas.
Question- all of my conduits will be surface mounted, I have seen both surface mounted PVC conduit with mineralax straps as well as EMT conduit with watertight fittings and mineralax straps in other wineries in similar applications. Which conduit type is optimum? What about conductors abouve 40 degree F, is THHN acceptable?
Question- all of my conduits will be surface mounted, I have seen both surface mounted PVC conduit with mineralax straps as well as EMT conduit with watertight fittings and mineralax straps in other wineries in similar applications. Which conduit type is optimum? What about conductors abouve 40 degree F, is THHN acceptable?