Acceptable DER's That Meet Back-up Power Requirements for Life Safety


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SE USA as far as you can go
Engineer, Registered
What are the acceptable technologies that can be used to meet the backup power requirements for life safety? For years, engine generators have been used. A separate feeder from a different substation can also be acceptable.

With the advent of microgrids for power generation, especially in an island mode operation, what DERs can be used to meet the back-up power requirements; specifically can BESS be used? Obviously Solar PV and wind is not going to be acceptable.
Fuel cell would be fine, I think, but nobody's really using that as a DER.

I would think that a BESS of appropriate power rating, with or without PV for additional longevity, but likely with additional fuel generator for longevity, should fit the bill. But I haven't studied the codes on this.
Offhand, if a BESS is sized for the load I don't see a problem. It's just a really big UPS at that point.
700.5 mentions that systems that operate in parallel with the normal source shall comply with 705. In other words, the code would allow a solar+BESS system to act as an article 700 system. However, I'm not aware of solar+BESS manufacturers who are making equipment intended for net-metering and/or optional backup who are also getting their systems listed for emergency use as 700.5 also requires.
Thanks all,
BESS manufacturers who are making equipment intended for net-metering and/or optional backup who are also getting their systems listed for emergency use as 700.5 also requires.
The way I am understanding this, is that the equipment itself must be listed for emergency use. So, even if say I used a TESLA 2MW battery, it has to be specifically rated for EM use.
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I believe the concern would be its reliability in providing the loads to emergency power in a sudden outage. Not that these systems designed for optional standby aren't pretty reliable, but emergency systems for life safety would be held to an even higher standard.