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I think it would be a good idea to refrain from the use of accronyms. There are individuals that may not be as diverse as yourself watching and trying to learn and this could be a big road block for them.
Just a thought to help others
jafro :)
Re: Accronyms

IMHO a person can look up acronyms whenever the need to find one, JMO.

On a serious note though, you are correct to a point. We sometimes have to ask what an acronym or slang expression means. What the definition in one area is not necessarily what it means in another area of the country. On the other hand, the person asking for help may not know what the correct name for something really is in order to make something clear.

Should we look down on someone who uses acronyms or slang? I think it would be best to just ask and get an explanation . . . sort of like in a conversation. :D
Re: Accronyms

That's a handy site Charlie. Now that I know what WINDOWS means everything is much clearer.
Re: Accronyms

Charlie, this is really stupid, and it's probably just me, but I was looking at this site again when I saw HLOLARAWCHAWMP and now I can't stop laughing.
Re: Accronyms

It gets slow for me this time of year. Only two projects right now. A few hours a day.
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