Acting Up

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Senior Member
To meet our continuing education requirements in order to keep our electrical inspectors' licenses current, our forum has invited Toastmasters which is a group that trains people to speak more confidently and comfortably in public.

Situations will be described and presented to the inspectors so that we can act them out individually in front of the group in order to develop our communication skills.

Can you help me prepare this forum by describing a situation that an inspector might find himself in, amusing or otherwise, from your experience as inspector, contractor or electrician?

My aim is to entice the inspectors up out of their seats to speak out and make the evening worthwhile.

Yes , After a well made sun room with a hot tub in it. You can describe to the customer why they will have to move the cieling fan above it. . 7ft above , etc...
Use a forum inspector to play the part of the home owner. And they can get irrate. That should be fun to watch.
Various other scenarios will work as well.
I think it is a good idea.
1. Have an electrician get in the face of an inspector shouting about how the inspector is wrong.
2. Have a woman crying about the red tag on her new guest bedroom, because her family is coming for Thanksgiving and it is Wednesday the day before.
3. Have the inspectors boss tell the inspector there are budget cuts coming and inspectors need to speed it up or be cut.
4. Have an inspector have to defend himself when he is wrong on the NEC. Politely admitting his error and thereby reversing the red tag.
5. Have an inspector deal with a hack working with no permit.
1. Have an inspector give a "by the book inspection" to the customer who requested it through the inspectors boss.

2. Have the boss tell the inspector that he must sign off something that the inspector knows is not to code.

3. You just get called for a final inspection on Friday from a job you haven't heard from in 3 months and find out that they've advertised for a Saturay grand opening and they need a meter.
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