Active Harmonic Filter

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tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
I have a facility with a Staco-Sine Active harmonic filter that has failed.

What this device does is reduce the harmonics. it hung on the wall for 4 years and died.
Customer support is very poor. I suspect we will have to replace the entire unit.
And we are not really sure if we need it, it came with the building and it was probably part of the boiler plate specs

Has anyone used a different brand of harmonic filter they can recommend?
I've used many active and passive when absolutely needed.

With European harmonic limitations for individual equipment (as opposed to the service entrance limit [PCC] limit in the US), most equipment has had their power supplies cleaned up significantly, so often not needed any more.

We don't do oversized neutrals anymore for that reason.
Ron, any recommendation on manufacturer?
Some POCOs are concerned about harmonics, ours doesn't not seem concerned.
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