Adding 240V 1P to a 240V 3P panel

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New User
Milwaukee, WI
I have a mobile shop that I need to add a 240V single phase HVAC unit to.

My shop is powered by 480V Delta power. It goes through a step down transformer that breaks it down to 240V Delta and 120 Center Tapped. The 240V goes into a 240V 3P panel that supplies a lathe, mill and grinder.

I have a 240V Single Phase HVAC unit that I need to install. Can I just put in a typical 1 phase breaker into the 3 phase panel to power my unit or is it more complex?

The HVAC unit will run off of a wide power supply range. I think it's something like 150V to 280V. I would have to look at the label.

Thanks for the advice.
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