Adding a timer at breaker panel to a dedicated exhaust fan circuit.

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New User
With our industry adding controls for energy efficiency.
Can some one tell me what the code violation might be.
I installed a timer to a dedicated 1/2 hp 120v exhaust fan circuit. Timer is installed 8 inches next to panel that is feeding fan circuit. Here is where it gets dicey and the only possible violation I could find. The switched/timer circuit returns into breaker panel and out the top through a conduit run to the fan. Local disconnect at fan is marked with circuit number and a automatic start warning. The only violation I could find is using breaker panel as raceway gutter etc. I do not believe this code was intended for this situation. Is there an exception for this type of install that I am missing. Would this even be a code violation.
Background: New install, different electrical contractor installed new panel and transformer and raceways to field. No junction box close to panel to re feed after timer. Our company was hired to connect fan / dampers / end switches and timer all 120v.

High school outbuilding
Michigan code

Thanks for the help.
You did not use the "panel" as a raceway. You routed the conductors through a cabinet that also contained a panelboard. As long as you didn't overfill the wiring space there is nothing wrong with this. Most the time is hard to overfill that space until you start having many conductors larger than at least 6 AWG involved
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