Adding smoke detectors

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jonesboro, ar
A lady is using her house for a daycare and she has to hardwire 2 or more smoke detectors in her 2 story house. She needs them installed on the first floor. With no attic space to connect the two smoke detectors together. Using 120v smoke detectors with battery backup what would be the best way to connect these together? Do they make a smoke detector that signals the other smoke detector wirelessly when it is set off?
Wireless smokes sounds fine, but how do they interface with wired smoke detectors in the rest of the house? Would you be suggesting they replace them all?
Make sure the wireless smoke detectors are approved in your location. In NJ we are using the 2006 IRC that would not allow their use. The 2003 and 2009 versions would allow it.
And all of the alarms in the house should be replaced with the same brand to be compatible.
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