Addition on House Same Service

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Senior Member
I go back and forth on this. An addition to an existing house which has an existing service which is being maintained. The new foundation is CMU. The footings will have rebar. NEC requires all available electrodes to be bonded to the ground electrode system. Since the service is already established, it has 2 ground rods and a connection to the water line, is a connection to the new rebar required?
I go back and forth on this. An addition to an existing house which has an existing service which is being maintained. The new foundation is CMU. The footings will have rebar. NEC requires all available electrodes to be bonded to the ground electrode system. Since the service is already established, it has 2 ground rods and a connection to the water line, is a connection to the new rebar required?
I believe the requirement is to use "all available", without reference to the time when constructed, but I don't have my code book handy.
a little more efficient searching on this site and I found a similar discussion:

In summary, since it is exiting and the service is not being changed or upgraded and there are at least 2 forms of ground electrodes then the new rebar wasnt needed to be bonded to.

But as gadfly is pointing out, the NEC reference is quite clear in that there is no time reference.
But as gadfly is pointing out, the NEC reference is quite clear in that there is no time reference.
Not directly, but it's obviously referring to when the service and electrode system are installed.

A new feeder or circuit(s) would not involve the existing service, so it ought not be involved.
Not directly, but it's obviously referring to when the service and electrode system are installed.

A new feeder or circuit(s) would not involve the existing service, so it ought not be involved.
I am totally on the same page as you. I just spent quite a bit of time going through the old post where they went back and forth about that exact point.

I think I am on the its not required camp, but I feel like I need more code backup. I just can't get past the issue of 250.50 has an exception for existing structures but not for new structures.

I dont know, I still feel in limbo.
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