Adoption 1968 NEC by CA.

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Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
Is there anyone out there that would know when CA adopted the 1968 NEC?
or was it a local thing and CA did not do a state wide adoption till much later.
I wasn't born then but I have looked into this sort of thing a couple times and it seems that it would have been a local thing at that time. 1968 was apparently in the middle of a long period where there was a lot of tussling over state vs. local control. The California Building Standards Commission wasn't established until 1970, and seems to have relatively limited powers at first. The first state building code (including electrical) was 1981 (according to first link below), and was still fought against by at least San Francisco for a few years after that. It seems the codes were not consolidated into Title 24 until the 90s.

Some links I found:
Thanks ,
That makes sense how so many buildings built in the late 60's and 70's are built the way they were.
The 1968 NEC was officially adopted by California in June of 1971. IN 1968, they adopted the 1965 NEC. My house was built in 1971, I had to look it up to see if some of the things they did at the time were to code. They were.

As a general rule, it takes CA about 3-4 years to adopt a code cycle. So for instance we just adopted the 2017 code this year, meaning we were on the 2014 code from 2017 to 2020.
I see but was it by county or city or CA said everyone needed to obide.
The reason I have been inquiring is over the years I run into homes and Condos with sub panels that are fed with SE cable 2 conductor and concentric ground. So no insulated grounded conductor and no separate grounding Conductor.
I see that too wiith Range and Dryers fed from sub panel with the same type SE cable.
These dwellings built in the late 60's and early 70's. Permits probably pulled before the 1968 NEC was adopted.
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