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Senior Member
hi i'm just starting out (4th week) i need some advice on advertising, i'm in 2 papers and after $240 i have nothing to show not even 1 call. maybe i'm a little inpatient but at this point i figured i'd at least get 1 maybe 2 jobs, the only jobs i have are from word of mouth. the new phone books doesn't come out until june, so what are some of the best ways to get your name out there? flyers, radio ads,
Re: advertising

As a small independent, word of mouth is probably your best friend, although it doesn't always move as quickly as one would like.

Just bear it mind it's very easy to get under the advertising monster. More and larger ads surely bring calls, they increase exponentially in cost however, which must be passed on to your customer. It's a common error to spend too much on advertising, generating a high volume of calls with a low volume of actual work because you've priced yourself out of 80% of incoming calls with the ad budget.

Of course, that leaves you doing 20% of your incoming work at an exorbitant rate, which not everyone is averse to. It's just something I've seen many times where small companies end up working just to feed the phone book.
Re: advertising

rickl, Just a thought. If you are into residential piecework, a note and card to independent home inspectors might work.

Re: advertising

I like the free route. Stop at any projects you see, new house additions renovations etc. Talk to the gc. Sell yourself. This actually works and it costs you nothing.
Re: advertising

What i did was type an introduction letter and hand delivered them to all the GC in the area i wished to serve.The one i thought was just a waste of time and paper turned out to be a house a week contractor.
Keep in mind most already have a EC that there happy with.Your after the ones that are not happy with either there service or price.Thats when you walk in.You might also contact realtors,property managers,and insurance agents.Often an electrical inspection from a EC is needed on the purchase of a older home before they will write insurance.
Re: advertising

I am assuming as you are just starting out you are working in the residential market. You may wish to consider this inexpensive alternative, have door hangers printed saying you just help a neighbor, with his electrical problem, please keep you in mind for future needs. Door hangers are fairly inexpensive, you can offer a discount 5-10%. We work it where when a tech catchs a call he puts hangers 2 on either side of the home served and two across the street. Radio & TV are too expensive for just starting out, we find our best returns on the yellow pages, which is not inexpensive for quarter page add but helps catch the eye of the customer. The hangers work, especially if the customer served is happy with your work as he will validate your services. Good Luck

Re: advertising

I have had great success using the little ads found in the back of the church bulletins. They have paid for themselves many time over. It doesn't have to be limited to your regular parish either. When you call to place the first ad, ask the printer if there are other nearby churches that are in the area you work that do not have an electrical service already.

Experience has shown me that the people that are calling me from these ads have already tried the Yellow pages or other means and have not gotten a response and many feel that I am doing them a favor!!!
Re: advertising

Where I live, there are two main daily papers that you have to pay to get, several free metro-wide weeklies and monthlies, and a bunch of free newspapers that are targeted at specific neighborhoods. There is very little contractor advertising in the big dailies, there's some in the free weeklies and monthlies, and a fair amount in the neighborhood newspapers (usually published once or twice a month).

Anecdotally, I've heard that the neighborhood papers yield pretty good results. One friend of mine told me of a guy who only does taping and mudding of drywall, and he got great results just placing a classified ad. If you have these kinds of newspapers where you live, I'd suggest exploring advertising with them.
Re: advertising

Hello Rick

I agree with most word of mouth is best.

But you are just starting out so word of mouth want do you a lot of good.

When I first started I tried the local news paper that was a waste of time and money maybe two or three calls a week.

I went to the local phone carriers phone book yellow pages and have not had any problems since.

I use what they call here a quarter dollar size add its about 1-1/4" high and 2-1/2" wide and highlighted.On a bad day I usually get at least two or three calls.

But the work does slow down some time.

Good luck :)
Re: advertising

Get 5oo business cards printed and hand everyone 2. I mean everyone. 2 of my best customers are a credit union and a church that I stopped at on the same day. They are right across the street from each other. When ever I wasn't busy I would go to businesses in the area and hand out business cards.
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